The ASD Program (Autism Spectrum Disorder) at VAC is an extension of Sheldon Academy Educational Program. The program serves children ages 5 to 22 on the autism spectrum, offering intensive educational, behavioral, communication and life skills intervention and training. Each student is assigned an individual instructional assistant and engages in a specifically designed education program tailored to meet their unique learning styles and sensory challenges.
Through the use of ABA (applied behavior analysis) and educational best practice methods students participate in a wide range of academic, social and recreational events throughout the school year. The program staff works closely with special educators, related service providers, families and school districts to provide comprehensive detailed program standards and goals for each learner. Our goal for each student is to achieve to their potential, engage in a meaningful lifestyle and shared experiences, and to integrate into their home community.
Jenifer Dattoli, Principal
Sheldon Academy 802-775-2395, ext 2304