Children’s Integrated Services  Specialized Childcare (CIS)

Children’s Integrated Services (CIS) is a resource for pregnant or postpartum women and families with children from birth to age six.
CIS can help:
Pregnant or Postpartum Women – If you have questions or concerns about a condition or risk situation that impacts your or your baby’s health or safety;
Families – If you have questions or concerns about providing a stable, healthy environment for your children;
Children – If you are the parent of a child age 6 or younger, and you have questions or concerns about a suspected developmental delay or condition.
For more information about this program, read the CIS brochure.

For more information, click here.

Contact your local CIS team coordinator, or
Dial 2-1-1 from anywhere in Vermont. This call is toll-free.
Your local team coordinator will ask you questions about your concerns and any assistance you are seeking, explain your rights as a parent, and inform you about possible next steps for you and your family. Your call and the information you share about your family is confidential and won’t be shared with others without your consent.

  • Family Support. Family Support Child Care is designed to reduce stress for families and their children and promote positive child development. The child care FAP may be authorized after a confidential application and risk assessment have been completed and reviewed by the CIS team. Family Support child care is also available for families who are experiencing significant stress. This service requires an additional application.
  • Special Health Need/Child: Verified written report of a licensed physician or licensed psychologist, or a determination made by the Department of Education, Division of Special Education, that a child is entitled to services under the Child Care FAP. This includes a child’s treatment plan that identifies the child care needs and supports.
  • Protective Services: Families working with Family Services may be authorized for Specialized Care through a protective service authorization from their Family Services Social Worker.

802-747-0030 /  802-773-9656-Fax

C.I.S. Specialized Child Care Coordinator Courtney Mason /

C.I.S. Child Care Support Specialist Erin White /