Before and After School Care
VAC has established after-school enrichment programs at satellite locations through collaborations with elementary schools. Our multi-age, five day a week programs offers school-age children an opportunity to develop social, emotional and academic skills in a safe and nurturing environment.
VAC has A satellite program at the following school:
Castleton-Hubbardton Union School# 42
After-school Enrichment Program K-6th grade
Monday […]
Early Education and Care
VAC understands that working parents need support too. Our Early Education and Care programs offer a variety of enriching and quality care programs for infants, toddlers, preschool, and school-aged children year-round.
Our programs bring children together in an enriched, developmentally appropriate learning environment. More than just child care, our programs promote independence, self-esteem, growth in […]
Mission and History
Through flexible, diverse and responsive programs, VAC provides a foundation of life skills to prepare individuals to reach their full potential as contributing members of society. All people are capable of change.
Individuals flourish because they are nurtured, valued and treated with respect.
Education is empowering.
The family is the primary influence in a […]